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    The light service industry is coming,Light physical stores became popular


    The pandemic has seriously changed the consumer industry!

    Zero labor, zero cost
    Zero management, zero risk
    High standards, high output
    24/7, full scenarios

    The new economic model is becoming popular…… It has increasingly become the inevitable direction and general trend of the "global real economy in the new era" that is scarred and torn after the pandemic……

    Represented by Fully-Intelligent COFE+ robot fresh ground coffee "
    Robots replace human service
    Full intelligence replaces full manual
    Self-management replaces heavy labor

    Light physical stores, light service industries……… It began to be popular and became the general direction and highlight of global industrial development in the new Era after the pandemic.

    "The future has appeared", like the grass that sprouts in spring.
    Look at Shanghai under the epidemic shrouded, robots fresh ground coffee cofe+ in front of this is still queuing for consumption.

    It feels like an era is over, and it's too late to say goodbye

    Stop taking the wrong road| self-service coffee vending machines are obsolete
    Coffee New Wave | market into the era of robot cafés


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