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    Tongji University’s new species – COFE+ Coffee Robot


    From government buildings, office buildings to pedestrian streets, from hospitals, shopping malls to museums, an increasing number of public places have witnessed the emergence of a new economy, a new species, and a new model - the fully intelligent robot grinding coffee bar COFE+. Nowadays, the business and service of COFE+ robot coffee master have been introduced to Tongji University, providing convenient and delicious coffee for the vast number of teachers and students. According to the reporters, COFE+ has been hailed as the world's first boutique coffee shop that never closes for 24 hours, a professional coffee shop that will be popular in the next decade, and a new generation of light store.

    This coffee robot has emerged on the university campus with its outstanding performance. Although its size is less than 2.5 square meters, it can provide a variety of coffee beans, cup choices, and temperature customization, bringing a personalized coffee experience to each customer. Moreover, it can also make various flavors of milk tea, latte, mocha, and other beverages, with an average production time of less than 50 seconds. Customers can freely choose the concentration/temperature/sweetness/ice amount/weight/pouring, not only allowing freshly ground coffee but also producing more than 50 flavors of Western-style milk tea, Japanese matcha, chocolate drinks, and milk drinks, all in an average of 50 seconds. The robot replicates 100% of the skills of human champion baristas and its taste is on par with international famous chain physical coffee shops, which is very impressive.

    robot cafe

    As a new economy, new species, and new format, COFE+ fully intelligent robot grinding coffee requires nearly zero experience, zero training, zero labor, zero downtime, nearly zero pollution, zero waste, zero scrap, zero cost, nearly zero site selection risk, zero store closure loss, and zero investment risk. It is a mobile coffee shop that will not lose money, and it is a professional store that can be opened by novices lying down, which has attracted a surge of investors at home and abroad. According to investigations, in the past five years, COFE+ robot coffee kiosks have been put into operation in more than 100 scenarios including government offices, hospitals, universities, airports, train stations, and shopping centers, making it the coffee robot with the most extensive deployment, highest market share, longest operating time, and most reliable stability test worldwide. With "champion quality, affordable price," it has received widespread praise from consumers and has cooperated extensively with Fortune Global 500, China's top 500, and Shanghai's top 500 companies such as Amazon, SAP, Sinopec, iFlytek, Bank of Communications, Dongfang International, Donghao Lansheng, and Bailian Group. From Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanxi, Shandong, Shaanxi, Anhui, Ningxia, Guangdong, Hebei, Hainan to Fujian, and from the United States, Canada, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, to Southeast Asia, it has become a familiar sight at various locations such as the Terracotta Warriors, Shanghai Bund, Oriental Pearl TV Tower, Bailian Group, and Pinduoduo headquarters, as well as the Central Party School, presenting the bright figure of COFE+ fully intelligent robot grinding coffee kiosk serving humanity.

    As of 2023, COFE+ Coffee Kiosk, a fully intelligent robot, has undergone five years of continuous testing and improvement, completing five product upgrades. The latest fifth-generation version of the fully intelligent robot grinding coffee COFE+ has already surpassed 75% of the daily sales volume of traditional physical coffee shops in China. The latest appearance on the Bund is the newest generation of unmanned coffee shops of COFE+, which has the most technological highlights and embodies advanced concepts and advanced AI technology from the metaverse, artificial intelligence, bionics, mechanical learning, and many other technologies, several of which are world-firsts:

    (1) It is the world's first light store with operating costs reduced by up to 90% globally.

    (2) It 100% learns to replicate the exquisite skills of human champion baristas without deviation.

    (3) It is 100% comparable to or even surpasses international famous coffee brands in terms of variety and flavor.

    (4) Fully intelligent flavor formula management system: dummy one-click completion of new product switching.

    (5) Fully intelligent store management brain: one mobile phone can manage a professional coffee shop.

    (6) It is the only one with excellent quality certified by the five major international qualifications including the U.S., EU, and the Commonwealth.

    (7) It is the coffee robot with the most extensive testing deployment, the longest testing operating time, the most reliable stability test, and the highest market share globally.

    (8) Multilingual, global payment system, and digital RMB all interconnected.

    (9) It is the first coffee robot to achieve intelligent algorithms, parallel multi-cup, and coordinated production.

    (10) It is convenient to move, with almost no site selection risk and no investment risk, making it the first coffee shop in the world that will never lose money.

    (11) It is a coffee shop that can be opened lying down: software and hardware, business management system, cash settlement system, and network communication monitoring system are all equipped in one stop. As long as it is powered on, it can be operational immediately, saving worry and effort.

    (12) It is the first coffee robot to be reverse-exported to developed countries in Europe, America, Australia, and the Middle East and has become an online celebrity, from German train stations, American airports, Australian shopping centers to Southeast Asian amusement parks, everywhere you can see the COFE+ fully intelligent robot grinding coffee's stunning figure.

    robot coffee maker

    It is understood that the technology company that developed this "new species" of black technology has a strong background. COFE+ robot grinding coffee was developed by Shanghai Huitun Robot Technology Co., Ltd., which is a world-leading high-tech leading enterprise. The "fully intelligent robot coffee kiosk COFE+" developed and manufactured by the company not only 100% replicates the skills of human champion baristas and its taste is 100% comparable to international famous coffee chain brands, but it is also proud of over 70 domestic and foreign patents and has won numerous awards at home and abroad. It is the first in China to win the European "the best" award and the only one to pass the five major international qualifications including the U.S., EU, and the Commonwealth. It is also the first coffee robot in China to be reverse-exported to several developed countries in Europe, America, Australia, and the Middle East. Many leaders of the party, state, and local governments have successively visited and guided, and it has been specially invited to showcase artificial intelligence at the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference for several consecutive years. Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, China Central Television, and Wall Street media have all reported on its entrepreneurial achievements.

    robot cafe

    There are only seven companies in four countries globally that can develop robot coffee kiosks, and COFE+ robot coffee kiosk is a leader in this field. The core team of Huitun Technology all graduated from prestigious universities such as Fudan University, University of Science and Technology of China, Harbin Institute of Technology, Tongji University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Europe, and the United States, and many have worked at well-known multinational companies such as Huawei, Sany Heavy Industry, KUKA Robotics, and DaChan Food. They have rich experience in scientific research, operations, and practical combat, as well as possessing genes and rich experience in the Internet, artificial intelligence, and chain service industry. They are one of the earliest research and development teams engaged in robot coffee kiosks, robot dessert shops, service robots, and cleaning robots globally, and are a leading enterprise in Shanghai for artificial intelligence and Internet+.

    "A 24-hour non-closing coffee shop", "a coffee shop that will be popular in the next decade", "a new generation of unmanned coffee shop", "a coffee shop that can be opened lying down", "a coffee shop that will never lose money in the world"… As a new economy, new species, and new format, the robot coffee has greatly saved the labor, rent, energy, and maintenance costs of traditional physical coffee shops, solving the curse of irregular management, unstable quality, irregular personnel, difficult site selection and relocation, short operating hours, and scarce prime locations, showing full revolutionary nature, and being hailed as the fifth wave of revolution in the coffee industry.

    robot barista

    Robots serve humans, robot coffee masters grind coffee for humans, robots work for free for the boss to make money, ushering in a new era of "quality and affordable" happy life for humans, is coming! It has not only injected new vitality into campus life but also allowed more people to feel the convenience and enjoyment brought by technology. The appearance of COFE+ robot coffee on the Tongji University campus is not only a reputation but also a milestone for humanity.


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